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周洋,工学博士,副教授(校聘),河南省土木工程学会青年学会理事、副秘书长。从事(1)软土地基改良、软基拓宽、软基真空预压,(2)淤泥减量与环境化处理,(3)粮仓多场耦合理论及调控机制等相关研究工作。主持有国家自然科学基金及全国博士后面上项目各1项、横向科研研发项目5项,发表论文/专利等成果近20项,包含权威期刊GeotechniqueGeostextile and GeomembranesComputers and Geotechnics等(见SCI论文列表)。欢迎希望从事结构工程、岩土工程、地下仓储领域和智能建造方向研究的应届本科生加入。有希望从事工程项目和读博愿望的学生更受欢迎。

联系方式:18623710705(同号微信) robertzhouy@haut.edu.cn










  1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目51908235,真空预压下疏浚淤泥表象淤堵的机理及固研究2020/1-2022/1225.00万元,在研,主持

  2. 全国博士后自然科学基金面上项目,2018M632863,水平排水板处理疏浚淤泥的真空固结试验和理论研究,2018/05-2020/055.00万元,在研,主持

  3. 社会服务科技研发项目,软基处治挤扩支盘桩试验段(现场试验研究)技术服务,广东省保利长大工程。


  4. 社会服务科技研发项目,软土路基支盘桩模型试验方案设计与设备开发,河海大学,2022/10-2023/0630.00万元,在研,主持

  5. 社会服务科技研发项目,新型组合结构地上-地下衔接段抗弯强度研究,中国五矿集团宝冶钢构(郑州)有限公司, 2022/11-2023/0628.00万元,在研,主持

  6. 社会服务科技研发项目,半入地式粮仓力学性能与降耦机制研究, 2022/12-2023/126.00万元,在研,主持

  7. 社会服务科技研发项目,重载交通荷载下路基路面病害问题与设计对策,中国五矿集团中冶京诚(河南)工程技术有限公司,2022/06-2024/0622.98万,在研,第二参与



  1. Y. Zhou and J. C. Chai*. 2017. Equivalent “smear” effect due to non-uniform consolidation surrounding a PVD. Geotechnique, 67(5)410-419. SCI

  2. Y. Zhou, D. Khoteja and F. Xu*. 2019. Numerical Study: Influences of Local Radial Consolidation for Soft Clay, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 56(3): 157-163. SCI

  3. Yang Zhou, Fang Xu*. (2022) A novel semi-analytical method for evaluating average consolidation degree of a two-soil-layer deposit. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 81:13 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-021-02506-w SCI

  4. Yang Zhou, Hao Yang, Peng Wang*. (2021) Vacuum-induced lateral deformation around a vertical drain in dredged slurry. Geosynthetics International, https://doi.org/10.1680/jgein.21.00006a SCI

  5. J. C. Chai and Y. Zhou*. 2018. Method for considering the effect of non-uniform consolidationJournal of international Geomechanics, ASCE, 18(2): 04017151 SCI

  6. H. F. Pu, P. Yang, M. M. Lu, Y. Zhou*, J. N. Chen 2020. Piecewise-Linear Large-Strain Model for Vacuum-Assisted Radial Consolidation with Non-Darcian Flow and General Constitutive Relationships, Computers and Geotechnics, 118, 103327. SCI

  7. P. Wang, Y. B. Han, Y. Zhou*, J. Wang, Y. Q. Cai and H. F. Pu. 2020. Apparent clogging effect of vacuum induced consolidation with PVD, Geostextile and Geomembranes, 48(4):524-531.10.1016/j.geotexmem.2020.02.010. SCI

  8. D. S. Xu, M. Huang and Y. Zhou*. 2020. One-dimensional compression behavior of the calcareous sand and marine clay mixtures, International Journal of Geomechanics.10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0001763 SCI

  9. H. F. Pu, D. Korthajor, Y. Zhou* and Y. F. Pan. 2021. Rapid dewatering of high water content dredged slurry using combined method of flocculation and vacuum-assisted prefabricated horizontal drain. Geosynthetics International. 10.1680/jgein.21.00035 SCI

  10. Yuzhou Hou, Yang Zhou*, Boyi Zhao & Guowei Li. 2021 Experiments of creep rate for over-consolidated clay under plain strain condition and a simple correlation, All Earth, 33:1, 88-97, DOI: 10.1080/27669645.2021.1958456 SCI

  11. Yang Zhou, Boyi Zhao, Youfu Pan, Hefu Pu, Fang Xu. (2021) Dewatering Rate Saltation Problem in PHD-Treated Slurry and a Theoretical Explanation. International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering7(93). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40891-021-00335-1 EI

  12. 周洋,蒲诃夫,李展毅,潘友富,宋丁豹*.水平排水板–真空预压联合处理高含水率疏浚淤泥模型试验研究, 岩石力学与工程学报,2019, 38:3246-3251. EI

  13. 周洋,王鹏,徐方. 砂井径向排水的不均匀固结效应及简易量化方法, 土木工程学报, 2019, 52(s2): 73-80. EI

  14. 李国; 周洋; 阮玉胜; 黄凯; 殷建华, 平面变形超固结软黏土蠕变特征,岩土工程学报, 2014, 36: 1028~1035. EI

  15. 蒲诃夫,潘友富,Dibangar Khoteja,周洋*, 2020. 絮凝-水平真空两段式脱水法处理高含水率疏浚淤泥模型试验研究,岩土 力学 2020415):1502-1509.(通讯)EI

  16. Chaosai, Liu, Yang Zhou*, Guixiang Chen*, Deqian Zheng, Longfei Yue. Compression and fungal heat production in maize bulk considering kernel breakage. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12, 4870. SCI

  17. Chaosai, Liu, Guixiang Chen*, Yang Zhou*, Longfei Yue, Wenlei Liu. Investigation on compression and mildew of mixed and separated maize. Food Science & Nutrition, 2022. SCI (接收)

  18. Zhijun Xu, Pengfei Liang, Yuanhao Cheng, Yang Zhou*, Reduction mechanism of the normal stress exerted on silo wall with chutes during eccentric discharge, Powder Technology, Volume 407, 2022, 117659, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.powtec.2022.117659

  19. Chaosai Liu, Guixiang Chen*, Yang Zhou*, Deqian Zheng, Zhongjie Zhang, 2022. Element tests and simulation of effects of vertical pressure on compression and mildew of wheat, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 203,107447, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2022.107447

  20. 周洋,刘超赛,岳龙飞,刘文磊,葛蒙蒙.2022.单向压缩对小麦堆蠕变特性及品质影响的研究,河南工业大学学报(自科版).(中文核心,录用)

  21. H. Zhang, H.K. Wang, Y. Zhou, Z. Chang. Waterproofing performance of polypropylene - concrete wall of underground silo under combined compressive stress and water pressure. Heliyon. 2022812. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e12074



  22. Fang Xu, Jinchun Chai, Rusong Nie, Wuming Leng, Qi Yang, Yang Zhou. 2019. A simple method for calculating settlement-time curves of PVD-improved deposits. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 56(1): 21-27. SCI

  23. Dibangar Khoteja, Yang Zhou, Hefu Pu* and Youfu Pan. 2021. Rapid treatment of high-water-content dredged slurry using composite flocculant and PHD-facilitated vacuum. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology 39(5). DOI: 10.1080/1064119X.2021.1889081 SCI

  24. 蒲诃,宋丁豹,郑俊杰,周洋,闫,李展毅. 2019,饱土大形非线性自重固模型405):1683-1692. EI

  25. 李国维,胡坚,陆晓岑,周洋. 2012.超固结软黏土一维蠕变次固结系数与侧压力系数. 岩土工程学报, 34(12), 2198-2205. EI

  26. Y. Zhou* and J. C. Chai. 2016. Characteristics of PVD induced radial consolidation, Proceedings of 19th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference & 2nd AGSSEA Conference, 598-601. 国际会议演说报告

  27. Fang Xu, Bo Ruan, Xinyu Ye, Yang Zhou. Stability analysis method for a prestressed railway embankment considering additional stresses propagation effect. Lithosphere. Accept. 2022. SCI



  28. 李国维; 周洋; 贺冠军; 阮玉胜; 秦建香. 2015. 一种平面应变三轴流变仪的侧向变形量测量装置, 中国, ZL201310238898.1发明专利.

  29. 蒲诃夫,宋丁豹,周洋,张纯雪. 2019. 一种药剂-真空联合加固高含水率吹填软土的设备. 专利号:ZL201821613195.7,实用新型.

  30. 蒲诃夫,宋丁豹,周洋,李展毅. 2019. 一种水平真空联合电渗加固吹填软土的设备. 专利号:ZL201821613211.2,实用新型.

  31. 周洋,刘超赛,刘大虎,刘恒,陈桂香、郑德乾。一种计算储粮微生物产热的方法、设备和可读存储介质。专利号:202111425477.0发明专利.

  32. 周洋,刘大虎,刘恒,赵博逸。一种用于高含水率软粘土地基固结度计算的方法、设备和介质。专利号:202111481056.X发明专利.

  33. 周洋,刘恒,刘大虎,赵博逸。一种基于地下水循环降温的半地下粮仓降温实验平台。专利号:202220139222.1,实用新型专利.

  34. 周洋,赵博逸,刘恒,刘大虎。一种用于修正后的固结系数进行地基固结度计算方法。(受理)

  35. 周洋,周旭阳、赵博逸。一种水平排水法处理疏浚淤泥固结速率计算方法。(受理)


q 课题组学生

  1. 博逸2019~2022 (已录取博士)

  2. 刘恒 刘大虎 2021~2024

  3. 尹波 宋铭 李扬 周旭阳  2022-2025


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